Holistic Aromatherapy is a powerful tool. If labour is not progressing easily, instead of stimulating change physically with drug intervention, essential oils have the potential to change a mood into a calm safe space for mothers (and all present).
Aromatherapy can work wonders in the birth room, triggering or supporting active and effective labour.
You can use essential oils in many ways; sniff directly from the bottle, on a tissue tucked into a strap, as a blend for massage, in candle form or diffused as a steam inhalation.
For more information please click on the link -
I will provide a blend made specifically for you in my Wellness Package.
A massage with essential oils starts working its magic immediately. The first smell will trigger a change in the way we feel. In labour this can help reduce fear, support relaxation and calm. If the skin is warm and damp it takes a shorter time for the oils to be absorbed into the skin.
For more information please click on the link below -
Acupressure draws upon the same principles as acupuncture, but uses firm pressure from the hands instead of needles.
Acupressure can be used to stimulate contractions, helping to induce labour in cases of post maturity and actively reduce the level of medical intervention.
For more information please click on the link below -
Take a moment that is just for you, before the birth of your baby.
A bespoke package of care which includes massage, a blend of essential oils and acupressure.
Available separately.
During your pregnancy, or after the birth of your baby, I offer a relaxing 30mins back massage to release any aches and pains, release stress and leave you feeling completely relaxed -
£60 massage only
I can offer you a traditional method of easing discomfort during labour with aromatherapy essential oils, which I will provide a personalised blend of oils, especially for you -
To help begin your labour, should you wish, I can offer a post-dates acupressure treatment. Acupressure focuses on the natural pressure points in the body -
£60 acupressure only
*£120 price is for all 3 treatments.